Study Discovers a Drastic Increase in Soccer-Related Injuries

A study conducted by the Journal of Pediatrics shows a massive 111 per cent increase in the number of soccer-related injuries. This was for the 24-year period starting in 1990 and ending in 2014.

Fortunately, the numbers are a little misleading. That same period has seen the sport grow to become the most popular sport in the world. The numbers confirm it, with the amount of participation in the sport increasing from 1.5 million athletes to nearly three million. It is not surprising that the number of injuries has shown a corresponding increase. The more kids that play, the more injuries we are going to see. Some even think that’s a good sign.

“We certainly don’t like seeing more kids getting hurt, but if one of the reasons more kids are getting hurt is because they are out there, playing and exercising, then that’s a good thing,” Scott Sailor, president of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association

Here is a breakdown of the injuries that were documented as part of the study:

Sprains and strains — 34.6 percent
Fractures — 23.2 percent
Soft tissue injuries — 21.9 percent
Concussions — 7.3 percent

Although not explicitly a contact sport, soccer is a high-speed game where players will clash physically. That would explain the sprains, strains, and fractures. The concussions are thanks to the number of headers. The lower percentage is due to the nature of when and where headers happen along with the potential for collisions when doing so.


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